Hey Everyone! Do you LOVE Girl Scout Cookies? Have you always wanted to try then but couldn’t because of allergies? Well check it out! They are actually extremely allergy friendly!
By visiting the website, http://www.girlscouts.org/en/cookies/all-about-cookies/Meet-the-Cookies.html, one can easily see which allergens each cookie contains or may contain, and any variances that occur by bakery. Though some of the cookies do have peanuts, there are plenty of options that are safe for those with peanut allergies.
As someone with tree nut allergies, I can enjoy ALL the cookies except Savannah Smiles which has a cross-contamination risk.
Girl Scout Cookies truly do live up to their fame – there is a delicious diversity of cookie options that are all pleasing to the palate! If you’ve never had Girl Scout Cookies, I recommend exploring their website and ordering some that suit your allergies, before they stop selling for the season!