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  • Writer's pictureArul Nigam

Restaurant Cho: Must Visit Nut-Free Dining in Montreal

Updated: Sep 23, 2020

From the moment we stepped foot into this restaurant we knew it was going to be an amazing experience. We were seated in the lively environment by our bubbly and kind waitress. My sister immediately told her about her nut allergies and she quickly reassured her that everything in the restaurant was safe to eat. She showed immense knowledge about food allergies and demonstrated an understanding of cross-contamination – she even asked if there were any issues with sesame and coconut!

It was amazing to have a dining experience where our biggest concern was which, of all of the delicious items on the menu, to order! Even with this she happily answered all our questions. We explained to her that we had a short trip in Montreal so to tell us what we simply cannot leave this restaurant without trying and she recommended the Buttermilk Fried Chicken Bao.

Of course the presentation of the food was beautiful, but I’m sure what everyone wants to know most was the taste. We can honestly say that with the first bite we knew we had to plan another trip to Montreal because, frankly, this was one of the most delicious meals we had ever had. Within minutes we had both scarfed down our entrees leaving ourselves, and our bellies, full of delight.

Dessert? Yes please! Lava Cake with Green Tea Ice Cream? Safe. Cheesecake? Safe. Mega Chocolate Chip Cookie with marshmallows and sprinkles galore with 2 scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream. Safe. We finally settled on the Chocolate Chip Cookie to share and it was magnificent!

We are honestly at a loss for words about our restaurant experience at Cho. The meals, service, and allergy-awareness were perfect! No matter how much we write, a written review cannot do our wonderful experience at Cho justice – one simply has to go and experience it.

Our only regret is that our trip was too short and we were not able to go back for a second meal. That being said, we are excited to plan another trip to Montreal and visit this restaurant again!

Here’s our best piece of advice we can give to you: Go to Cho! This is a one of a kind dining experience you will never forget!

Cho Restaurant Nut-Free

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